'96. I love books, music and Justin Bieber. May the odds be ever in your favor. x

20120411 @ Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I hope you -
a) Get lost in the middle of africa and gangraped by a pack of giraffes. Then you die
b) you get locked in a porta-potty for 14 days straight. Then you die
c) you have mud-butt and bubble-gut for the rest of your life... with no toilet paper. Then you die.
d) All of the above
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Do not Skype with me. You will be prone to weird noises that I make when I'm bored. Thanks to Lim 1 for the video recording of me whilst we were Skyping. This was only a portion of the things I do on Skype. I love you Lim1, I love you so much that once I find out that you've uploaded this video onto my blog - I wouldn't kill you, I'd just laugh and buy you a drink. Sounds like a plan? 

This is just a small does of Thank You for all you've done, Mi. This is why you should log out from Youtube when you're done using my laptop. Oh god, she's going to kill me.  It's okay - I still love you to small bits and pieces.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Just looking at you makes me want to punch you in the face.