The Neurogical Cave
20111206 @ Tuesday, December 06, 2011
A soul trapped in a human body. Living a human experience. But I’m always searching for my soul. I think that is the part of us we keep forgetting. And I also think that part of us is infinite. Humanity is temporary for this existence. Maybe next I’ll be the make-up of a nebula. But live through your soul. And you’ll live your life differently. When you breathe, realize it is life. The breath of life. This universe is our holding. This present is a chapter. Who knows how many other places we’ve been. Or how many other beings we’ve lived to be. I wonder if we’re truly separated in each lifetime. Or if family is a part of us. Permanent. In every life time. Recyclable and eternally connected? Energy and and air, everywhere. We are literally everywhere. And you can read every book. But I think it’s impossible to figure this one out.
It’s as simple as creation.