20110420 @ Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Someday, everything will make sense. Laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears & remind yourself that everything happens for a reason.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Blowing out someones candles won't make yours shine any brighter.
Stop hating.

Life Is Full Of Little Pricks
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
You get all emotional and tense about it?
you go with the flow of things?
Or You think about it, yet choose to not get caught up in it?
I chose to go with the flow.
It sometimes hurts, but well doesn't everything to everyone?
Others though, got too caught up in it. Too caught up in my life.
People know that my days may be numbered.
But you don't have to remind me everyday, I do what I do to forget.
Not for you to remind me.
Not like I wouldn't remember the fact that I'm dying.
Though, I can't seem to make sense of what difference would it make?
Inside, I died at birth.
I may be breathing, but I'm not breathing.
Feeling but not knowing what emotions are.
Thinking yet without a concience.
Ironic isn't it?
Trying to save a life, that doesn't want saving.
I'm not saying i want to die.
I'm saying that I'm not afraid of death.
Ironic isn't it?
That when word gets out that one person is dying, everyone else seems to reveal a deep dark secret that they're dying too.
Just proves that everyone, including me.
We're all selfish in different ways.
We all lie.
We all have secrets.
We all feel uncared for, though the people closest to us care.
We all have made mistakes.
We've all felt like there couldn't be anything worse.
Truth is, no matter what happens....
There's always someone who's got it better, and someone who's got it worse.
Be grateful for that, even though It may just be the bitter truth.
If the world ended today, would you be proud of yourself?
M .
-drunken words are sober thoughts-