20110411 @ Monday, April 11, 2011
People are starting to act differently.
People I once knew oh-so well, don't tell me things anymore, in fact you seem to barely talk to me.
You keep saying no one cares.
So why the hell do you think I stayed back those days?
I could have caught some sleep if I just went home cause I didnt care.
I may not care, but I care.
You get me?!
you dont. no one does.
I've tried. I really have.
You just don't know how it feels like.
To feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind, wanting to start again.
You don't know how it feels like being me.
M .
-drunken words are sober thoughts-

Monday, April 11, 2011
People are starting to act differently.
People I once knew oh-so well, don't tell me things anymore, in fact you seem to barely talk to me.
You keep saying no one cares.
So why the hell do you think I stayed back those days?
I could have caught some sleep if I just went home cause I didnt care.
I may not care, but I care.
You get me?!
you dont. no one does.
I've tried. I really have.
You just don't know how it feels like.
To feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind, wanting to start again.
You don't know how it feels like being me.
M .
-drunken words are sober thoughts-