'96. I love books, music and Justin Bieber. May the odds be ever in your favor. x

20110729 @ Friday, July 29, 2011
 It’s not I wish I had the guts to kill myself. That would be selfish. I’ve actually made a mark on some people’s lives and I couldn’t do that to them. It’s that I wish I never existed. A few people think I’ve impacted on their lives but that’s bullshit. Even though they would be sad if I died, I’m addicted to self pity and my stupid moods and actions affect them. It would have been better if they just never met me.

- Tyron Olsen 


Who You Are
Friday, July 29, 2011

That the way light bounces off your skin has nothing to do with who you are.

That smokers believe they need to die a little, just to go outside.

That art has always hated the frame you put it in and would lash out, kicking and screaming in the streets, if you gave it half a chance.

That the way lovers touch can not be communicated in words, no matter how often or how hard you try.

That your body fights your mind and your mind fights your soul and your soul fights the world, to try and figure out what you are.

That sometimes, you're just tired.

That's all.
Friday, July 29, 2011


at first your just staring at the screen waiting for it to load like

then your start getting impatient

and pissed

and irritated

and then you finally snap 

then it finally loads and your like

and then you click on something else and the cycle repeats

When Tears Fall
Friday, July 29, 2011

It’s like your mind is telling you, “You’ve suffered enough, it’s time to shut down for a bit”.

It’s like your mind is telling you, “You’ve suffered enough, it’s time to shut down for a bit