20100129 @ Friday, January 29, 2010
UGH, so so so tired.......and lazy to type this but oh well...
So far, my math teacher has been killing me with homework........
Algebrais expression laaa,
This laaaa, that laaa....
Then i joined 2 sports....netball and football (i must have been stupid rite??)
then i have interact..........and the library meetings,and duties.......
im killing myself second by second....
But i have all my friends who are going through practically the same thing......and we are doing it togetha-getha.
Yup yup, last Sat was Interact Probationers Seminar, it was fun.....our gang was reunited that day hahaha. then school,school,school,bla,bla,bla.
i asked Yen Fern if i boleh pinjam her book.....ku cuba finish reading the series i was....
Then my school got 1st sekolah berprestasi tinggi,
More pressure for us, kan?
Then Yen Fern and Alya went crazy bout DBSK......
And Alia was with her usual Justin Bieber crazyness.
Yesterday, Uthraa and Laxmi asked me to go bollywood with them, as in dance a bollywood wif them.
I wasnt really up for it, but i helped choreograph and knew the song just in case.....But i absolutely adore the dance, especially if its choreographed by 5 very very inexperienced people. I usually just dance, and leave choreographying to Divya, then edit here and there....but it was fun trying to choreograph the song. Niway, today, uthraa,laxmi, nisha, and shalini performed during 2nd period then oli,uthraa,laxmi and me performed during 3rd period. Then 2A tried to put together a goodbye show for our Eng teacher Cik Sophia (trainee).
I wasnt really up for it, but i helped choreograph and knew the song just in case.....But i absolutely adore the dance, especially if its choreographed by 5 very very inexperienced people. I usually just dance, and leave choreographying to Divya, then edit here and there....but it was fun trying to choreograph the song. Niway, today, uthraa,laxmi, nisha, and shalini performed during 2nd period then oli,uthraa,laxmi and me performed during 3rd period. Then 2A tried to put together a goodbye show for our Eng teacher Cik Sophia (trainee).
That was what the dance was for, as goodbye to our trainee teachers.....we sang songs, and acted like our usual maniac selves....then i stayed back for librarian meeting but i had to paint the class, and i didnt even bring my baju sukan so there is paint all over my pinnafore... =C. Then since i helped out a little yesterday painting 2B which isnt my class. So Adline had to cme help me out, ahahahaha.. She painted and we practically roughly painted the whole class, bu we are going to repaint the back and the sides.....
And tried to figure out if we should go for Boys like Girls or should i just go for AFC??.
I just decided to go for AFC since i was so semangated to dance today. WE had to do ENCORE'S for all the classes we danced it was tiring. I'll try to post the vid here laa. then it was balik rumah time.....i still have paint all over my arms though, it aint comin off......