20101124 @ Wednesday, November 24, 2010
"Life is sweet when you pay attention. When it doesn’t seem sweet, put a sticker on your nose and do a funky dance."

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Don’t ever take a fence down until you know the reason it was put up.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Try to overcome your doubt. Believe you are beautiful.
Look at yourself through someone else’s green eyes.
Believe someone out there will find you and kiss your skin until you can feel it blister with the heat.
Believe in something bigger than your problems and you will be saved

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

No Jeans?! Say what?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Okay well.
Mum and some of her friends made Ian and me follow them to watch Akasha...
Akasha is a malaysian traditional/modern groupof musicians....so I put on a checkered shirt, jeans and sneaks. as usual.
So yeah. If you know me, Jeans is something I wear almost ALL THE TIME!
Akasha was performing at the Dewan Filharmonic in KLCC.
So we had to be seated before 8.15pm. Anyway, we went to Subway for dinner....
I indulged in a sexy Spicy Italian sandwich. So yeah. After eating it was already 8.08pm. So we dumped the garb in the trash and headed for the Philharmonic Hall.
Anyway, So we went there and as we were showing the people to let us in our ticket. This guy, kinda hot, in a way. I think his name is Jake Khoon. So yeah, he looked at my jeans and said. No Jeans. And I was like O____________O and the only thing that came to my mind was.....I'd have to buy something else or just hang out around KLCC. but Nooo......Jake was a nice guy, and wasnt going to put me through all that torture...so he showed me where they kept extra pants,skirts and shoes. So yeah. I had to change my jeans into like some cream coloured business pants......for ladies. urgh....-shivers-
So yeah. Did you know that there was only ONE FREAKING TOILET! and just when the doors were about to close....there just had to be a line for the toilet. Damn. So yeah, I kinda did a little please, Im a little girl and I need to pee kind of thing....and yeah, managed to get to like the 2nd spot in the Q. So yeah, when it was my turn I ran in and stripped my jeans off, pulled the pants on and let me tell you one thing....That bathroom floor was slippery....on the way out, i kind slid out the door and fell flat on my BUM. It hurt, but yeah. Jake was laughing, I just stared at him. So for laughing, I got him to take the jeans back to the place we got the pants since I wasnt allowed to hold it. I made friends with Jake. He's 19, and he only worked here for this thing cause his friend needed help. LOL.
Anyway, That boy owes me a coke. Since he didnt let me bring mine in. So jyeah. I saw Andrew Khoo, and Shalini Mohan there. So yeah, after the show I went out to get my coke back, but Jake said he finished it and threw it away since he didnt like wasting. I was like
So yeah. That was the end of that night.
So far, the week has been very uneventful and boring.
Got a massive headache. Kinda sick. Gah.
The most fun I had was today, talking to YF and Sie Mone.
I was insane, you can ask any of them.
Yen Fern was giving birth while talking to me. hahah. lol
The convo started like this
YenF : -making some weird noises-
Me : Woi, you giving birth ah?
YenF : Hahaha, yeah. -makes noises like she's giving birth-
Me : Push....
YenF: Pushhhh........I can feel it coming out.
Me : O___O Hahahaha.......
YenF : Did you know that the nurses count when you're giving birth?
Me : WTH?! How do you know??
YenF: I saw it on TV. They count .......-mumbles-
Me : -not paying attention till she finished talking- Yen Fern watches people give birth on Tv!! Say What?!
- Maid Glares at me-
YenF : I dont larrr....It was an observation.
Me : Mhmmmm......yeah sure.
Sorry for not paying attention, Tiramisu!! The dog came in and jumped on my lap. :)
Yes Eva, I still think the undead is rotting....hhahaha
Damian, I cant come mann.....I'm stuck at home, with maid, driver, and the pig. :(