20110403 @ Sunday, April 03, 2011
Girl’s phone is ringing
Girl: Hello ?
Boy: Hey..
Girl: You okay ?
Boy: Meet me at the park.
They meet at the park.
Girl: Are you okay ?
Boy: Yeah..
Girl: Are you sure..?
Boy: As a matter of fact, I’m not. I’ve been sitting here for the past two years, to only see you get hurt by jerks. I’ve always been here for you, & I’m glad to be. But when I see you cry about guys that DON’T deserve you, I wonder “I could treat you so much better.” But, no. I’m not gonna force you to have feelings for me. I just wanted to let you know, that I’ll always be here. No. Matter. What.
Girl: …
Boy: What’s wrong ?
Girl: Nothing..
Boy: Nothing will be wrong from here on out, I promise. Just answer this question.
Girl: Yes ?
Boy: Will you be my girlfriend ?
Girl: What ? Please don’t pull an April Fools on me.
Boy: I’m not playing around, I asked you out on April 1st for a reason.
Girl: And that reason is ?
Boy: To show the world that my love for you isn’t a joke.
Titanium boys jiwangness.