The meaning we give to words
20110313 @ Sunday, March 13, 2011
And I'm sorry if I haven't written to you in a while. It's just that life gets in the way of living. It's just that my fingers were stuck together. It's just that all the paper in the world caught fire.
You'll forgive me if I haven't written in a while. It's just that all the envelopes made love to dragonflies and now, we cannot bring them down. It's just that time stopped ticking. It's just that all the ink ran clear.
My apologies if I haven't written in a while. It's just that words ran out of letters (these are the last in the bag). It's just that language isn't perfect. It's just, me.

Sunday, March 13, 2011
I long to tell you how I feel,
but you don’t want to hear me.
The pain for you is much too real.
Should I back away and build a wall
and block away how I feel?
Or, should I give you a call?
We both need some time to heal.
An echo fades into the night
as our friendship disappears.
How do I know what is right?
How can I ease my fears?
If I do call you again,
would the old wounds reappear?
I can’t stand to cause you pain.
Hurting you again is my worst fear!
Labels: Poems

Time for Change
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Till I finish editing me new one! :D
Woop Woop.
This one i sho gray though.....
Mia ; All I see is gray

The Next Exit
Sunday, March 13, 2011
I guess we took the next exit eh?.
Once Febuary started.....Change started.
Recess wasn't as fun as it used to be.
People weren't how they used to be.
Life wasn't how it used to be.
I guess we'll get used to it.
It's as if it's only the four of us left, the ones who stayed together.
Alya, Yen Fern, Sie Mone ane me.
Sad isn't it?.
Recess ain't fun anymore,
So Operation 101 is undergo.
Alya, you better come back from there fast.... :D
has officially begun....