20120405 @ Thursday, April 05, 2012
"There are times, when you fall for somebody's talent, so deeply and so intensely, that you're never sure what to say when asked 'Why do you like them so much ?'
Today was the last day of our 'Reflection Day' period - 2 days. We went to Osbourne Park and into the YMT studio/hall place. It was fun, we played games and there was impromptu dramas, food and more games but at the end there was the 'reflection' bit of it, which I found to be really calming. At the beginning of the day, we got onto the bus and it was a half hour ride to YMT - sat with Rita, Hannah and Savannah. We were laughing about 'Mean Girls' the movie and the Trinity boys and not to mention my bus driver yesterday, who was trying to get me to attack either the windows or the polls in the bus due to his lack of driving skills. Back to topic, upon arrival we were led into this big hall, and all of grabbed a seat and were introduced to the
Then we went back into the hall, and played more games and there were more dramas - one was like this 'dance' thing and that got me thinking ; there was a group of people fully dressed in black and they're dance routine was very strict and there was no individuality in it, then there were these 2 people who seemed like they were trying they're absolute best to get into this group, but the leader of this group kept shoving them away till at last one of them got in but the other one didn't, so she went and stood in the corner and watched. Cameron jumped up on stage dressed fully in white, and he was challenged by the group, because he too wanted to join them. They showed their moves, and he had to do it the exact same way as him, but he kept adding his own moves into which was to the other groups disliking. He got rejected, but soon after he went up to the girl in the corner took her sunglasses off (all the ones in black wore sunglasses) and they were dancing to the music in their own individual ways whilst the other group did their routine repeatedly, soon enough one of the other people from that group also took off his sunglasses and joined Cameron's group. I found this skit particularly interesting because of the way it was set up. It almost seemed to say that people these days tend to conform to society, and in that process lose and not-appreciate their individuality, then you have a small group of individuals who embrace they're individuality and also each others.
Well back to what I originally was going to say - I am a Knicks fan to those who don't speak Basketball, leave a comment and I will teach you. I am Knicks fan - not because Jeremy Lin is there, I was a fan before he even existed (I'm not that old but you get the point). So anyway I was talking to a friend of mine who came to visit from Auckland and he wore a Knicks jersey, so being a fan when he went to shower - we were at the hotel he and his family stayed at. I stole his jersey and well tucked it into the back pocket of my pants - not a very smart thing to do. He came out of the shower and grabbed a shirt and pants, changed. He shooed me out of the bedroom part first, and then he starts looking for his Jersey then he procrastinates it, and we go out for lunch. So we went out for lunch at Hungry Jacks, and we ordered and his burger took it's time to come. Impromptu photo was taken of his sad hungry face.
Well we had our meal it took us 4 hours, we just had so much catching up to do. We then took a walk around and he still didn't realise my back pocket. As we were taking the lift up to his room at the hotel - he pulled it out of my back pocket. "Think I'm that stupid? I've known you for ages" then he promised me he'd get me one. I'm waiting.
I just wanted to put this out there, I'm a JLin fan. Who isn't?
it's impossible not to find him adorable.
Knicks for the win.