A shoulder to cry on
20101017 @ Sunday, October 17, 2010
I know how it feels like,
when your best friend cries....
Even though you've always been there for with a shoulder to cry on,
She goes to someone else,
So what if you dont know what to say,
At least you're still there.
But when she walks away from you,
With tear filled eyes.
It feels like your friendship just turned into dust, that wind blew away.
In you're head, you're screaming
But she doesnt even look back.
At that moment,
I saw it in you're eyes.
The pain,
The hurt.
I gave you a hug,
To tell you that I knew what you were going through.
Sometimes people just don't realize what's right in front of them.
I bet she's gonna come running back.
Tomorrow, you see.
" xxxx, why so emo???"
She'll ask you that question a million times,
Then she'll be emo.
I think you should just tell her why.
Hahaha.......You know who you are.......i bet you do.

Sunday, October 17, 2010
I find things no one else ever catches a glimpse at
I see this fear of judgment
that makes her cower at confrontation
I see this hopelessness for the future
that make her choices her burden alone
I see this desperate need for companionship to make her strong
in the savage world of humans
I see this courage
caged in her thoughts of inferiority
I see these thoughts of abandonment
that make her cling to anything
I see this devotion to her beliefs
that makes her fear death
And I hate that the person I always see is me.

Sunday, October 17, 2010
The fact that you have it and the problems it brings.
So when you finally get control of this flaw,
Everyone around you seems to watch you in awe.
You never learn why it’s happened to you,
And you must work that much harder to make dreams come true.
But what’s happened has happened, and it’s now part of life
So why give up in yourself, why live with such strife.
The best you can do is fight back twice as hard,
Just be careful, make right choices and play the right cards.
As they say what doesn’t kill you can only make you stronger,
It’s been here for awhile, it’ll be here for a while longer.
So why can’t people see past this technicality,
Having problems with my breathing is now my specialty.
I should have a master’s degree in what to do,
So please don’t treat me any different, I’m just the same as you.
When people have pity it just makes me feel sad,
Do you think it makes me feel better, well it makes me so mad.
I can’t stand the fact that people look at me and stare,
What you don’t think I can see you, oh I know you’re there.
I know what I can, and cannot do,
So why try to stop me, it’s not up to you.
If I want to work my ass off until death,
Let it be that way, let me use my last breath.
I’d rather go through life living, even if it is in pain,
Rather then sitting all day, slowly going insane.
So now that you know just how it has to be,
Are you going to treat me right, or like a baby.
I don’t care what you think is the best thing to do,
If you can’t support me and my choices, then the heck with you

End Of Innocence
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Lies, lies
She sits in her room,
and cries and cries.
There's no more trust
In this girl's heart.
She finally found out
That life isn't perfect.
She lived in dreams,
As children often do.
But she crawled out
Into the world everyone knew.
Things that once were.
Happiness once known;
The truth of it all
To her was shown.
Her little heart
Will never trust again.
She'll never know
A real true friend.
No more trust,
For no more lies.
She'll sit in her room
And cry and cry

Sunday, October 17, 2010
So tired of tears
So done with wishing
You were still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs
So sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?
I'm so fed up with my thoughts of you,
And those memories,
And how every song reminds me of
what used to be......