20100512 @ Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Anyways, a lot things happened in the past.....
.My camera rosak
Alia's B'day
Sports Day (psssst: I didnt go)
Autism Walk
PSB Installation discussion
Arrival of Venus,Mars and Lost
And Other than That all the usual problems we face in life.......
Anyways, lets start from the top!
so heart-breaking.......a week before that, my phone rosak, and i went to repair it and had to use MY OWN MONEY!!! Now, my camera rosak....haizzz......i pokai alrd!! How now??!!
So now, i cant use my camera till i have money!!! Haizzz.....unless i get straight A's for Mid-Year exam and then ask Dad & Mum! Hmmm......see larrr what happen......
Alia Leilani's B'day Bash!!
Alia's birthday was on the 2nd of May.....
She had a b'day bash at The Paya 'something' in Hilton,PJ.
The food was so awesome, i hung out with Damia, and me and her felt like idiots coz at first we didnt know what to eat....
Then we didnt know how to do the steamboat.....
So God knows how we actually managed to cook 3 crabsticks that I ate, which tasted quite the deliciouso.
I bought Alia a bronze necklace from Amcorp Mall just before going to her seriously..
After church i went and bought it, then went for her party.....
Hope she liked it...and even then i used my own money.
Her party was fun, and she looked absolutely GorGeous!
Sports Day!
Pssst......i didnt go,
But it was on some date that i forgot and GUESS WHAT>>???!!!!
Autism Walk!
Autism Walk was on the 11th of April ( if i'm not mistaken)
It was a blast!!
Joanne,Demtria,Anita,Samantha,Olivia and me did front gate security.......
You dont know how freaking hard it is!!!
You have to ask them if they have a ticket, then tell them where to get one if they dont, or tell them where to redeem their stuff if they do. Then you have to shoo them inside. And then you can't let cars in!!
Which means possibly getting into an accident!!
But all in all IT WAS A BLAST!!
PSB Installation Discussion!
One day, all the librarians Form 2-4 were gathered in the billik rujukan by Renia.....we were then asked to sit down....I got the swirly chair!!
Then she talked about where we were going to do the installation and the food and the performances.....i knew that Form 2's had to go against the Form 3's to get to dance because they wanted to do something on their own without someone having to tell them what to do very very strictly.Then i started blurring out, and wasnt paying attention to anything until Oli stepped on my foot (OWWWWWW!!!!) I zapped back into the conversation as they started arguing on who to get the dance, somehow we won....then Renia asked who was going to be the ketua, and all the heads turned to me.........
I didnt think i could actually handle all the stress of choreographing, doing the song, teaching them and getting everyone to come for practice. It was going to be one hell of a job.
So i literally screamed 'WHATTTT???!!!!' and of course everyone insisted and i got the post.....
So now i still havent choreographed the dance, but i didnt want to do any remixing unless it would be really good, so i might as well use BLAME IT ON THE yeah......
Well on the 14th of April 2010. I got 2 puppies.......we named them Venus and Mars.......they were so cute!!!
Then one day after swim trainning we found a lost puupy that looked so young and confused my brother started crying for us to be able to car for him.... and my mum said ok. We named him Snow at first but my mum insisted on naming him we called him Lost, and kept on the name stuck...
Other than that, my mid-year exams are coming up, so i have to study and stuff.....And currently i'm addicted to Farmville and Cafe World on Facebook.........which is really weird since im not the type of person who goes online to play games....LOL.