Holes Inside
20111208 @ Thursday, December 08, 2011
"I felt the urge to crawl so deep inside myself that nothing could ever pull me back out."
I've started writing again, only this time I posted it online. I'm kind of rusty at it ever since I lost my ability to put words into a sentence that capture's one's heart. I partially blame that on him. Actually I blame it on 3 people excluding myself. I've posted it up onto Fiction Press and Wattpad, in hope of opinions and reviews. So far, there's only 4 chapters but I'm in the midst of writing the 5th one. Please do check it out and let me know what you think. it's part of my attempts to find out the talents that I may have under this thick layer of brown skin. The links are below, if you think it's something worth reading, don't hesitate to share it with your friends, the more the merrier :)
Fiction Press : http://www.fictionpress.com/s/ 2977145/1/Holes_Inside
Wattpad : Holes Inside on Wattpad
So yeah, do read and comment/review or like or share :)
Thank you!

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Thursday, December 08, 2011
people say they want to be set free. they say they feel trapped by the past but they do nothing to break the chains. they hear the familiar calls, the whisperings in their ear and go rushing back. they want to be free almost as badly as you want to be rid of them.
all fallacies, all useless mutterings that no one really means.
but if you did mean it, you would know that the hollowing out, the slow and painful escape is the reminder that you're still alive. that you're not just a vessel you're something more; something beautiful. and when you breathe in that whole new gasp of air... well you know the rest.

Thursday, December 08, 2011
When you can, let me know how long you're willing to miss me for.