Sad of LoneLy
20100706 @ Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Aishhhhhh..........problems problems............always trying to make me sad, problem is that problems cant make me sad, because the problem with me is that even though im surrounded by problems or problemaking people, i can never be sad unless some real big problem comes around. Understand the problem??
Anyway.......aish, spoil my mood. I blame it on myself.......
Okay, Happy things that happened on Hari K was .............
Blurrr picture, who cares...........anyway, Hari K was on SAturday, i saw Kah Ming, Benny, Kenneth, Jackie, and....and......a so many other friends.........
Yen Fern and me spotted Lavynia's long lost twin brother.
Wanna see???
I feel lame, unexcited, and lonely, and sad today..........
Aishhh...........anyway, gtg email some stupidd ICTL crap.
I think im losing my voice. .....................
I need to talk to any one of my guy friends, girls are too emotional
Oink Oink.
is Emo.