After Exams....
20091101 @ Sunday, November 01, 2009
Exams Ended
And yesterday was Halloween....ooooh.....
Since me n my bro were dying of boredom. We watched The Covenant on AXN. My bro got scaredand didnt want to eat or sleep, i felt like ch0king him at that time. But in the end, he got to sleep, which made me skip dinner..... Then Dad came back from wherever he went and started screaming at me, cause i didnt do something i was suppose to do for him..... And i was about to scream at him, but i just shut my mouth....
There is only so little i can do, since i ONLY HAVE 2 HANDS. And since mum was out, i had to use both my hands to organize my bro. I dont think, i actually gave a damn, on the murmuring Dad was doing outside the room....and soon enough i knocked out. But then Ian (my bro), woke up anad walked towards his cupboard, which had a drawing of a lady on it, and started poking the lady. I was shocked, cause when i tried to ask him what he was doing, he was so quiet, i think he was sleep walking or something.
IDK laaa.
Then the next day...
my Dad woke me up at 5.30 in the morning....cause he has to go to church at 6.30 and i had to be at church at 7.30, so i was forced to follow him...grrrrr.
So i went and sat in the service for 15 minutes, and then i saw Sugin, so i thought i might as well keep him company since it was only the 2 of us there so far.
5 minutes later, Zach came, with his cool camera. And then Andrea, Angelina and Jessica came with food.
(i didnt have dinner or breakfast okay)
Then JJ and Joseph Lai came,
And then Benson and Celine came.
And then we ate.
And then we went to Good Shepard for publisiti.
Good Shepard is kind of above some shops, so there is two ways to go a lift or bt the stairs....they were both spooky. I took the lift, it was dark and the light kind of blinks on and off, so it mademe half expect that the lift doors were going to open to a floor of darkness and a ghost would pop out....but as u know, i have a very wide imagination..... =D
So the lift opened and we entered Good Shepard.
Then we dance, dance,dance...and then it was the sermon, and the intercession.....which i thought was the longest prayer i have ever heard. (But hey, im not complainning).
And of course, one of the reasons AFC is AFC is cause, there are so many jokesters in AFC that you cant stop laughing. Then it was Holy Communion.
I almost forgot that i was already confirmed....but thats just me.... XD.
After the service was over, we walked to where the 'Coffee Fellowship' was, and the food was fantastic,well prolly cause i was very hungry. They even had cake!!!
Then.....i came home.....
And now i am going to go and sleep.
-.-" (the z's were lame)