20120306 @ Tuesday, March 06, 2012
And yet, when you get here, you are not given instructions. No one tells you that heart A is meant to slot into heart B. There are no diagrams about how you are meant to live each day or directions on how to assemble some semblance of happiness. You are not even told what colours to paint your feelings or, given a purpose and a reason for your life.
You have to make all of it up. You have to make all of it, yourself.
- My Rel Ed teacher is one scary tall lady.
- Jasmine + Olivia are the most hilarious people to be around.
- I wore my swim-pants underneath my uniform for PE and only realized that I forgot to pack me undies after PE. Thank God, it was the 2nd last period today, so I wore my swim-pants and got on a bus with a wet bum.
- Forgot to take my English books out of my locker, didn't have time to go get it. Thankfully Mr.Slo is a nice man!
- I got off at the wrong bus stop, therefore had to walk all the way home, in killer leather shoes.
Then I managed to Skype Appu, and Daniel annai which was really nice. It's nice being able to talk to family. I have a Math test tomorrow, and English homework to do. I have to also remember to wear my underwear tomorrow - Yes I'm a very open person. Rita, is probably the prettiest Korean, Russian speaking girl I have ever met. Cheers to you!
I mean I would date her. Anyone would date her. She's that beautiful. Kendrick is just asdfghjkl adorable, he says worship songs makes him feel better and that just escalated his adorable-ness. Thanks for being there bro! And also thanks to Rebekah, Cynta and Esther oh and Maddy for being there too. It's going to be a horrendously rough couple of weeks, it's nice to know that I have people there that I'm able to vent out to. It's time for me to attempt going to bed. Goodnight.
P/s : Good luck to those who're sitting tests/exams tomorrow especially the ones sitting History or S&E papers. You're going to need it. Let this image keep you going! :)
I'm in need of a life.