People will never stop judging.
No matter what, there will never be a time when people stop judging….
My opinion? It really doesn't matter what people think or say. You are who you are, and if that means that no one understands you then so be it.
It's ironic really. I was with Titanium, and we were just you know, talking?
Rynn, a guy from Titanium. He's half Japanese or Korean….can't remember. We call him Hirai . J His name is Hirai Rynn. Don't know his family name.
Rynn said, that at his old school… in 'whatyoucallit….someplace' There was a girl, not a popular girl but not a loner either. A few weeks after Hirai met her, she told him that she had cancer. Hirai being the douche that he is, asked her Why she told him. The girl simply said, cause when I did…they started to judge me. And with that she walked away.
Hirai being Hirai, turned into some PI and did some digging.
The girl, he says he thinks her name is …..can't remember. Oh well…let's call her Couch. J
Hirai found out that Couch had brain cancer or was it lung cancer. Entahlah. But the thing that struck him was that she only had 2 more months to live. She refused medical help, only cause she didn't want to suffer.
These so called friends of hers, Stupid and Idiot thought that she just wanted more attention from everyone around her. Being Idiots, Stupid and Idiot told the whole school about it. The fact that Couch was an attention seeker or that she was just a liar.
So Hirai started hanging out with Couch, and eventually they became close friends….
Without realizing that time passed real quick, Couch started becoming weak and ….left. Hirai told the school, and when the principal announced it. Everyone was dumbstruck.
I have no idea why I typed that whole episode of Hirai's life. He didn't even say it all dramatically….. when he said it, it was more of
"So she got cancer lorrr, don't know what cancer….can't remember."
"Then she die larrr, stupid douche don wan to take medicine"
He mocks the way, one of the MC's at one of our dance competitions accent. Very uhhhmmm, Chinese. XD no offence, to those Chinese people out there. J
If he said it more dramatically, baru jerr (Y).
Aish. Moral of the story : Don't judge. You don't know what could be going on in someone else's life.
There was this thing I came across on one of our dancer's blog. She started a campaign, which a company bought over.
- See that boy doing his homework during homeroom?
He was too busy talking his friend out of suicide last night.
- See that girl with her face caked in make up?
She's bullied, and she needs to feel beautiful.
- See him the one who wears long sleeves everyday?
He covers his arms to hide the scars.
- See her with the cheap hand-me-down clothes?
Her family can't afford food for even half a month, what more brand names.
- See the girl who laughs at every little thing?
She's in pain everyday.
- Wonder why she doesn't invite her friends over to her house?
Because she's scared her friends will see her dad, passed out drunk on the floor…as always.
- See how the girl cringes at rape jokes?
She was raped.
- See the boy everyone goes to for advice?
He wishes someone would do the same for his.
- See the girl who never brings her lunch?
She's disgusted with her body.
- See the boy over there, with the dark circles under his eyes?
He has insomnia.
- See the girl who's against suicide?
She's lost many people to suicide.
- See that girl that laughs at every little thing?
She's trying to treasure every little thing before she dies.
- See the girl daydreaming?
She found out she's dying. She's wondering what she's lived for.
- See the boy biting his nails?
He has cancer and is wondering how much time he has left.
- See that boy reading all about 9/11 ?
His parents died on that day.
- See the girl, trying to keep a smile on everyone's face?
She's a psychopath and she feels that people will never realize what it's like to not be able to be happy.
- See her. With her phone all the time?
She's waiting for a call saying her sister was found after a kidnapping 4 years ago.
- See that girl, daydreaming?
She has schizophrenia.
- See the boy over there, with the droopy red eyes?
He found out his bestfriend is dying, and that she won't get any medical help.
What I'm asking you to do is….
This company pays a dollar to every person who adds his/ her own thing here (you can add as many as you want J ). So far, 1120 people have contributed. The money goes to a fund for something…. (I can't remember….it's for troubled kids and teens larr). It stops teenagers from commiting suicide too.
It's something like Operation Beautiful, but different.
All you have to do is copy and paste the list above, and add your own. The company tracks it all, so yeah.
It only takes you a minute to do this. A minute of your time, could save a life or bring someone else a little bit of comfort.
Come on, you won't die doing this.
M .
-drunken words are sober thoughts-