Unforgotten Birthday
20101004 @ Monday, October 04, 2010
2nd of Oct was my birthday....
Usually, other people had a party, a cake, presents and you know, those birthday stuff....
I didn't....
My beloved grandmother passed away at 8.45am
We knew she didn't have much time left,
But I never thought that she would leave us this early....
I didn't spend much time with her when she was ill.
I took the time she had left for granted.
I regret.
The first thing I heard that morning, was her passing....
I was heartbroken,
I just sat on my bed, dumbfounded.
Then Mom said, go get ready.....I did as i was told...
We walked into my cousin's house, it was filled with people crying...
I walked into her room,
Saw her there, breatheless.
And cried, I cried so much.....
The memory of being there, only the last night, seeing that radiant smile.
And now seeing her there, lifeless.
It all came back to me....
The joy, that smile, the love she had for the whole family.....
All those memories...
I just couldn't believe what was happening.....
After I calmed down, I looked at the obituary my cousin was doing for her, and saw one of the quotes, Grandma used ever so often....
Lavynia, Damia and Sau Mun cheered me up that night....
Thanks all of ya'll with the hugs, condolences, words of comfort and attempts of cheering me up.... :)
She's gone now....
My closest family
One of my best friends
"i look up at the sky, knowing that among the clouds and the stars, you're up there watching and smilling upon us"