'96. I love books, music and Justin Bieber. May the odds be ever in your favor. x

Australia= Boredom
20090922 @ Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Im in Australia AGAIN!!!
I have nothing to do other than sit in this boring ol house playing FiFa 09 on the PS2 with my brother........
(which by the way, is quite interesting because i've been winning)
Why did we come here in the first place??
To get a stupid old PR.
Its spring now......but it is still quite cold, especially when the wind blows, u can turn to ice.
I wonder if i can ask dad to take us to the Flying Angel so we can play pool.
The only 2 things i find interesting now is the bag of potato chips next to me, and how to get rid of the enormous fly flying around the house......
Last week.......
We had some sivik thing last week, where all the classes had to compete in a singing competition.
My class chose to wear traditional clothes.....

                                                       Me in a 'saree'( not sure abt the spelling)

All of us in our traditional clothes

 All of us with Ms.Seelan doing the 'Asian Pose"
BTW: It was her last lesson with us

Ms. Seelan, we're gonna miss u!!!

Playing around before turning into traditional diva'z
From up to down : Keshi: I see no evil
Sara: I hear no evil
Alia: I speak no evil
But they are all evil.....muahahaha. JK

Best Friends: Damia,Alia, Keshita, Charlene.
Where did Sara, Ashwini, and Jen Li go???


The day after that:

We had a goodbye party for all the trainee teachers, especially Ms.Seelan.
But we kinda had a rough time planning it .......
But it was a blast....
Awww, we're going to miss them

Me.....Lazy to study BM

Me & Ms.Seelan

Some Form 4's sayin goodbye to Ms.Grace

Keshi,Shoba, Lochiani, and Oli calling a bakery with Ms.Grace's phone

Me & Lydia Miller

Taking pix of ms.seelan for memories

 Ciao! =D