The weekend
20110322 @ Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Anyone can relate?
-slowly raises hand-
I was just reading Alya's blog.....and she was saying something about this Japanese movie, she watched.
It's like postman to heave.
Let me tell you people one thing!
Postman to Heaven is steaksauce.
Goddit? Okay yeah. cool.
So yeah, she was saying its a romance movie.
Something's wrong with everyones hormones this year - mumbles to self-
Anyway, so yeah. its called.....wait for it.......
GHOST: In Your Arms Again
So yeah. Well yeah. So I'm gonna change my blog again. I just feel like it. :D
Exams were over 2 weeks ago.
Dance thingy was over last night. Didnt get to sleep.
Thats why I'm so.....odd today.
Been listening to a lot of Yiruma....
Did you know that he's KOREAN???
I thought he was Japanese.
Korean people...... -goes insane-
Feeling pretty down in the dumps lately. Not to mention lifeless.
Go to school.
Go to class
People laugh at my awfully lame humour
Belasah least feel like it
Feel Sleepy
Go home
Kena Marah
Stay In Room Away From Life
Read manga's.....
Plus all the interneting and texting in between.
There was Road Run practice today....
I have no clue why Malaysian's call it Road Run.
In New Zealand, we called it Cross Country.
Oh well.
Sie Mone and yours truly went up the hill.......and then Sie Mone couldnt breathe properly, so we went back down the hill and lepaked. :D
It's nice lepaking with Sie Mone....again.... :D
Urgh. I had That Woman's class today. She was in a good mood I guess.
We started debating about headphones.
-scratches head-
I'm s'pose to be doing my Geo Folio right now, but too tired to do it. So I jsut copy and paste from the net.....
Now to do Interact work. Get sponsorships -sigh-
Oh, yesterday during the dance thing.
Nick took this picture of our friend, Alexis. Since she had to go do some modelling thing.
So here's the final shot.
I have no idea why it isnt uploading but yeah.
So I went for trainning on Saturday.
I saw Yen Fern there. Poor soul, getting tortoured.
Guess what I CAN DO??!!
I did 38 laps in 30 minutes. New record. Not bad, eh?! :D

So yeah , that was the picture. Cool kan?
Anyway, Elyza and all asked me to join the flashmob. Malas larrr to go for practice. But yeah, I'll think about it.
It's officailly midnight.
Dad's chasing me out of the study. Plus I need to finish kimi no todoke.
So for now,