20101126 @ Friday, November 26, 2010
Saying Goodbye |
So soft the brief touch of your lips on my cheek. Was I almost intruding? "Look after yourself " should have been "I love you!" Then the Jumbo flew over my head and I shouted my love above the roar and thundering thrust . . . as if you'd hear. Through the clouds in my eyes I watched you fly away and wished I'd been born with wings. |
Labels: Poems

Friday, November 26, 2010
Drying Your Tears | |||
by Ruth Kephart | |||
Tear drops fall from your blue eyes and my heart stops a beat at their sight. I pull you close to me, try to take the pain from you, make it my own. My cheek lays against yours and your tears burn my face as I whisper, "Darling, it will be all right." My tears blend with your own, your pain now mine, and our tears become one as they fall in rivers on the sheets. I dry your tears with kisses, soft upon your face, shelter you from pain in the recesses of my love. Our bed becomes a chalice and we drink in each others sorrow, finding salvation in each other's arms; pain washed away giving rise to passion 'till we forget there ever were tears. |

An Angel Cared
Friday, November 26, 2010
Maddening, swirling, tumultuous thoughts give my heart no peace
Muscles tensing, heart's wrenching, longing for release
Walled off from emotions, numbed to dreams of bliss
Frantically grasping for a hold, sliding further into the abyss
All color drains from my world, subtle shades of gray permeate
Broken shards cast illusions, hope falsely propagates
A former warrior, battle tested, I frantically disguise my fears
Resolve dissolves, nervousness abounds as my refuge disappears
As autumn's cycle nears an end, the ice begins to advance
Stealthily attacking, patiently awaiting for a perfect chance
A frozen heart, desolate and bare, obscures all that would try to see
The warmth reflected, gives off no heat, illusions mask reality
On hands and knees, mumbling pleas, I search for sanctuary
To glimpse beyond this desolation, to a world of possibility
Eyes closed, perceptions peeked, it hovers beyond my reach
A whispered supplication, alone, these barriers I cannot breach
A gentle touch, delicate and warm, I feel her reach for me
Chasing back the shadows, an angel, cradles my sanity
Relaxing, drifting, smiling, I find comfort in her embrace
My savior and redeemer, a sassy smile upon her face
I close my eyes and search within, I'll trust my instincts this time
I feel a heart of gold as her passion's unfold, a beauty so sublime
Peace radiates from her body, a warmth soaks into my soul
A smile reflects a love so deep, my heart I cannot control
Illusions shimmer and are gone, my world is bright and true
Spring marches forth with determination as my life begins anew
To pass beyond is what I sought, but dreams do not compare
To the reality of this wonderland graced by an angel so fair
Dreams shared, rendezvous dared, we joined together as one
The bonds of my enslavement have been lifted, my battle finally won
No regrets can be found, my reflections bring no remorse
Love that binds, as the tendrils climbed lead me down this course
Peace and comfort fill my soul where once only chaos dared
Now love emanates, peace radiates, because an angel cared
Labels: Poems

Friday, November 26, 2010
I was hanging around Watsons looking for things that I'd need for camp.
So yeah. Then I remembered I needed to get some Deo.
So yeah....these group of chinese guys, probably around 15-18 of age.
I think there were 7 of them.
So yeah, I was just standing there staring at the deodorants figuring out which one to use.
And one of the guys, I think his name was Michaeal came up to me and was like
"Hey, uhmmm.....I know this is a really weird question to ask a stranger but you seem to know what you're doing.......Could you help us choose a deodorant?"
He spoke with a New Zealand accent and in my head I was saying:
So I just pointed at Adidas Energy......and said smell it.
Then he did as he was told and said,
Damn....You really do know what you're doing.
All of us laughed.
So yeah, I chose different deodorants for all 7 guys....and they all liked it and blahblahblah....
Then I paid for mine....and walked out the store...with all the Watsons workers staring at me.....creepy.
Those guys were standing outside the store, so when I went out, I kinda got really shocked. Hahahahha.
They bought me Mc'D's Milo McFlurry,and Fries. I said thanks and one of the guys, Kevin I think.
Said "You're Nick's "sister" are'nt you?
Me : Yeah.......you guys know him?
Kevin: Yeah, we went to the same school together.
Me: You guys went to Parnell District??
Kevin : Well, Michael did. The rest of us went to USJ12.
I'm like =___________="""""
Me : So, you guys went to USJ12 for 5 years and you still need someone to help you pick deodorant?Rightt....
Some dude, named BJ: Hahahaha, yeah. We suck at that.
Me : Right. Anyway, I have to go now. So yeah
Owen: Wait. Uhmmm, so where is Nick?
Me : He's in Australia right now....but you could hit him up on Facebook
Owen: Right. Uhmm could you give our numbers to him?
Me: -takes piece of paper and walks away- Yeah sure. Thanks for the Mackers!
In the car......
That was really weird, -texts YF, Sie Mone,Lavynia and Damia-
In my head : That was.....Epic.
Mia ; Conflicted