Wednessdayy. 24th Feb. Alysha's B'day!
20100224 @ Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Today i went to school like normal and came back at about 10.30am
Today was Class Photo Day, so everyone came, all happy happy except me.
I was feeling sick.
So after the photo, Regina followed me to the sick bay, and yeah....i was okay at about 9-9.25, and I decided to call my mum and ask her to pick me up.
But i didnt, cause of some reasons that shall not be said on my BLOG!.
So Keshita, one of my Best Friends since std.5, called mummy and asked her to pick me up.
Funny Thing is,
During English i felt a whole lot better, and just as i was deciding if i should like stay in school. The Kakak comes and tells me, my dad's here. Well, so much for staying at school.
I went home and slept.
Well, thats sick old me!!
Today's Alysha's birthday.
Happy Birthday Alysha!!!
Im not going for foot the ball, so sad.
I like football....
Its fun yet tiring