Yen Fern vs Yen Fern
20101021 @ Thursday, October 21, 2010
It was Yen Fern vs Yen Fern.
Explanation : Heng Yen Fern (The blurr one)
Pn. Yeo Yen Fern (The expressionless one) a.k.a Science teacher
during science, we had a yeah....EPIC MOMENT!
Yen Fern : *answers question*
Pn. Yeo : You sure?
Yen Fern : -nods-
Pn.Yeo : very sure? -suspense-
Yen Fern : -nods blurrly-
Pn. Yeo : very very very sure? Is that you're final answer?
Alya : Woah! Woah! Woaahhhh! Woahh! Woah!
-potong steam ah, Alya!!-
Yen Fern : Yup
Pn. Yeo : -checks answer-
Alya : Woahh -hits Yen Fern- Woah.... -hits me- WOAHHH!!! -stares at teacher-
Hahahahha, Alya potong steam!!! :P
"THE COOL" is so COOL!

Thursday, October 21, 2010
It's easy to let go when holding on hurts so bad.
To many of us stay walled because we are afraid to care too much, for fear that the other person does not care as much or not at all.
It's sad to think you'll never be mine, it's even sadder to realize I knew it all the time.
And sometimes your heart takes you to places that can never lead to a happy ending.
Only the one that hurts you, can make you feel better. Only the one who inflicts the pain, can take it away

DON'T piss me off!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Everytime someone piss's me off, I walk away.
but you're seriously pissing me off....
Trust me, I can do things you never thought I could....
Don't piss me off.
Got it?