20110105 @ Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Nick and Leon gave me, you know that small cute plushy thing..... I think it's called a Domokun! So I have 3 now....
Thanks to you people! :D
Back to school.....and on the first day itself we got homework.
Teachers should be banned from giving us homework on the first day of school. Its. not. cool.
Alya and Yen Fern have stopped blogging.....
They're studying for PMR.
The only thing I can think about now.
Seriously. Teachers should be banned from giving us homework.
I found all these french stuff in my I made use of them. Wheee! :D
Nick's writting another song. -.-
again. -.-
Homework. Homework. Homework.
I haven't FB'd in ages. no internet. right now, I'm using my dad's office computer, illegally.
What time is it?
Aren't you hungry?
Have a strawberry.
They scare me.
Are'nt strawberries scary to you?
Everyones depressed. 2 people depressified my notebook. You know who you are..... -kenings kenings-
Oh yeah, Happy New Year Ebbybody!!
Thick black pens are awesome. Thin ones too. Aren't they awesome?
Oh, I bought this keychain with a panda on it.....
It's adorable. cause it looks hynotic.
Panda's are cool larrr people.
I named it. . . .
Okay I didnt name it. Who names a keychain?
Anyway, It's gonna rain. Perfect for sleeping.
Time to listen to songs.