Words From Showdown 2011
20110525 @ Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Yeah, blood clots…
Doctor Lee said so J
You can barely see it, cause of my ‘tanned skin’
But, you can see it under a lot of light .
The fact that I never noticed it, but Mel and Shir Lynn did, proves that they are officially stalking me .
Yes people, I know you’re reading this. Stalkers, hmph.
The fact that people such as, Khairina…. Yes Khairina the prefect who has given up on my tie was liking things and pictures on my profile from the days in the far away past, is slightly creepy.
Hence, to me she’s a stalker.
Not just her, there’s also Shir Lynn, Drakie, and some of the ECX guys. That’s only the amount of new stalkers for today. Yes I get stalked. Cause of my macho-ness, according to some.
Which for your information, I lost for about
So I went crazy. Hyper.
Soo Sun fell today, very the ROFL moment. She and Arial were walking out of the pusat akses, and I could see her from where I was sitting…. Ahh, the perks J
Then Arial was trying to ask me whether I was staying back, and I said no. Then Soo Sun was hungry so she started jumping and started over exaggerating moves, and fell flat to the floor. I started laughing, cause it was so cute and so funny. The whole class was quiet at that time, so when Pn. Santira, yes Pn. Santira my beloved English Teacher -.-
Asked me, “Lavy…..Maria, You crazy already ah dei?”
Me “……”
Virus : -stares-
Me : “…”
Virus : Okay class, since Maria has gone insane, everyone beware.
We were staring at each other for like a minute.
Hah! I won (Y)
-Starts poking blood clots-
I’m feeling a little unwell now, so imma go and catch some Z’s.
Yes, I’m at showdown, posting this.
I’ll post a peekture lator.
Mel’s Spanish exam is coming up soon, she want’s me to help her.
Dude. I learnt Spanish a long time ago, I probably forgot half of it.
Realmente no puedo recordar mi espanol
As you all know, we’re performing at Showdown today, but we got the dates mixed up, so we’re performing from next week onwards. But only SOME of our performances will be on air. They want us to give advice to the teams. Ish, like I already don’t have a job.
Fruits– Las Fruitas
Micky Out.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
I found 2 blood clots on my arms…
Yeah, blood clots…
Doctor Lee said so J
You can barely see it, cause of my ‘tanned skin’
But, you can see it under a lot of light .
The fact that I never noticed it, but Mel and Shir Lynn did, proves that they are officially stalking me .
Yes people, I know you’re reading this. Stalkers, hmph.
The fact that people such as, Khairina…. Yes Khairina the prefect who has given up on my tie was liking things and pictures on my profile from the days in the far away past, is slightly creepy. Hence, to me she’s a stalker. Not just her, there’s also Shir Lynn, Drakie, and some of the ECX guys. That’s only the amount of new stalkers for today. Yes I get stalked. Cause of my macho-ness, according to some.
Which for your information, I lost for about 1 minute 7 seconds today, because I had a killer headache, and my shot mark started burning cause of the gun powder.
So I went crazy. Hyper. But inside I’m like “I WANNA GO HOMEEEEE!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! LEAVE ME ALONE! GO AWAY! CYNTA, HURRY UPPP!!!! AHHHHHH”
Soo Sun fell today, very the rofl moment. She and Arial were walking out of the pusat akses, and I could see her from where I was sitting…. Ahh, the perks J
Then Arial was trying to ask me whether I was staying back, and I said no. Then Soo Sun was hungry so she started jumping and started over exaggerating moves, and fell flat to the floor. I started laughing, cause it was so cute and so funny. The whole class was quiet at that time, so when Pn. Santira, yes Pn. Santira my beloved English Teacher -.-
Asked me, “Lavy…..Maria, You crazy already ah dei?”
Me “……”
Virus : -stares-
Me : “…”
Virus : Okay class, since Maria has gone insane, everyone beware.
We were staring at each other for like a minute.
Hah! I won (Y)
-Starts poking blood clots-
I’m feeling a little unwell now, so imma go and catch some Z’s.
Yes, I’m at showdown, posting this.
I’ll post a peekture lator.
Mel’s Spanish exam is coming up soon, she want’s me to help her.
Dude. I learnt Spanish a long time ago, I probably forgot half of it.
Realmente no puedo recordar mi espanol
As you all know, we’re performing at Showdown today, but we got the dates mixed up, so we’re performing from next week onwards. But only SOME of our performances will be on air. They want us to give advice to the teams. Ish, like I already don’t have a job.
Fruits– Las Fruitas
Micky Out.

Micky says #2
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
You can spend, minutes, hours, days, weeks or
even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to
put the pieces together, justifying what could've,
would've happened - or you can just leave the
pieces on the floor and move the fuck on.

Me brother, alieno :)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Everyone knows Nick’s blog.
The one where he’s supposedly from Japan, well it’s not a lie but it’s not the entire truth either.
His twin brother, Kevin Ryan had …lost his life cause of saving Nick’s ass. So Nick just continued Kevin’s blog
So now he has his own blog,
There's pics of Nick when he was a kid, i found in my room.
So comel, can die :)
Imma post it up sometime. :)

Can’t Go Back
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
There's something extremely humbling about watching how simple it is to please a kid. Just pocketing a golf ball and getting a high five for it is enough to get a lovely grin out of them. Don't even get me started on when they actually won something as simple as stickers. Childhood, that's simplicity. All those people that give their kids iPhones and whatever gadget is cool these days, have got it all wrong. All a kid needs are stickers and bubbles.
Anything you write after I am is simply a concept. So choose what comes after it carefully.
I am successful. I am fulfilled. I am an astronaut. I am amazing. I am late. I am in trouble. I am enlightened. I am yours. Etc.
For weeks ,I was devoted to I am sad. I am wrong. I am incomplete. I am not fully expressed. And while none of those things are true unless I believe them to be, my resistance to being love only brought more pain and lethargy.
Finally, with a little help from my friends, classical music, cleansing, exercise, acceptance, and lots of prayer, that which shifts all thoughts back to love, I can finally say I’m on a much clearer path to health and happiness.
I am healthy.
I am happiness.
I am alive.
I am.
Im not afraid to let go anymore. If it looks to others like I did something wrong, made bad choices, acted selfishly, or fearful, then so what. I can say, to you I am wrong. I am selfish. etc. Big deal. Stick and stones may break my bones but I choose not to give those thoughts a home. When I am sad I will simply be grateful for the sadness as it is a gift, a miracle in fact, to experience this powerful emotion, trusting the pendulum swings both ways; embracing all of life in it's awkward perfection. I would never tattoo ‘I am sad’ on my body so why would I dwell on it in the mind? I am awesome, however, will make a great tattoo.
Cause I know, I am the definition of awesome…
Chehh. J
Stars, Nick’s brother…… Ahhh ‘whatshisname’ my memory has been failing me lately. Damn.
Took a picture of the stars in Korea, and sent it to us
It was a stupid move really. Cause we couldn’t see anything, till we put it in some software that Titanium’s computer had.
It was sooo…… fascinating. It got us thinking, about how small we really are. I don’t know if you remember this movie,
Can’t really remember the title but it’s something like Hornet or something… with the elephant and the speck?
I got it!
Horton hears a Who
Something like that. It humbles one to know that no matter what, how great you think you are…
Your still a speck. A small little speck, that can be squished like this…
Do you feel the pain?
Here’s an idea you can try to remind you how magnificent and accessible the universe is. Next time you’re stargazing, lie flat on your back so you feel physically stuck to the earth at length. Now instead of imagining you’re looking UP at the stars, remember you’re really looking OUT at them. Aren’t we indeed simply stuck to the side of the planet anyway? When you look at a picture of earth, we’re not necessarily on top of it. Nope. We’re just stuck to the side of it; all of us just dangling out here on our sides of the rock. Lucky for us there IS gravity to keep us safe here. Gravity is like the yellow line they ask we stand behind when the roller coaster is about to pull into the station. Or it’s the fence that keeps us from peering too far over the edge of the great canyon. Gravity is our seat belt protecting us from oblivion. Also, when you’re lying there looking out. Look down towards your feet and up past the top of your head and experience the great height at which we’re floating. It’s pretty far out.
this change of direction in your thinking will make you feel different about the linear surface of the earth, that which we often spend too many hours defending our egos, our political borders and the imaginary boundaries created to spend our funny monies, chasing celebrities and watching TV. Boo.
I learned to surf, juggle, play guitar, play basketball, skate as in Tony Hawk not ice skating…( can’t imagine myself in a leotard at this age, though I did take up ballet for a while ) and break dance comparatively early in my childhood (except the guitar part). I don't bother with "it's too late to learn that, i'll look silly." Be here now. What better time to give yourself a positive affirmation and start having fun.
With so many recent defeats in my day to day. i decided it's what the planet ruling Gods had in mind for me.
With so many recent defeats in my day to day. i decided it's what the planet ruling Gods had in mind for me.
Damn, I sound mature. Perasan jap J
We got some exam results back.
39/40 for English 1 (1 ducking mark man… eeeeeeee)
29/40 for Pemahaman
28/40 for Math 1
14/60 for Math 2 (die. Fail.) <- Whole damn class failed maths….whipeeee
And yeah 58/75 for moral.
Oh… and my latest ‘achievement’ 28/60 for Sejarah
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My hair smells goooodddd…
It’s funny how today, Cynta and me were euphemizing, and all of a sudden the very person we were talking about pops out of nowhere. I swear, Cynta would have started crying if it were’nt for our ‘keep serious face’ thing . XD
People say I’m emo. Yeah meh? No larrr, headache tahap dewa jerr……
I really need to eradicate all the ‘emo-ness’ I have on my blog. I’m not emo, I just think in a sad way. Like Eyore.
Even though he’s cute, I need to stop being Eyore. Mum is started calling me Eyore.