20110501 @ Sunday, May 01, 2011
Sometimes it takes a true friend who was with you when something happened in the past, to let you know it's OK to finally let go.
Wise words from Yap Ban Ho. :)
My brudder with the cool twitter picture.
Anyway, got a comp coming up at around 9. It's going to be on TV. So Titanium decided to go on youtube, not really. But this guy put us on youtube. What happened to keeping on the low?.
Teehee. Well, im already on youtube so big difference.
I swear, I will ignore the next person who tells me thay want to die.
Life goes up and down.
If your in a pile of shit, there's something called a mop.
If you want to die so much, go ahead.
I'm not giving a damn anymore. Go jump off a freaking building.
While you're here with all the cash and a family and with food on your table, yet your not grateful for all of that and you want to die. Has it ever crossed your mind, that there are people out there struggling to live? Without any food, lost theyre families, heck they dont have clothes or education.
Yalah, you two are BFFFFFFFFFL's kan? Aish. Then you lied. She got hurt, so your not close anymore....I don't get why you have go all emo freak cause of it.
Life these days. Sigh.
A friend was ignoring me the other day, a fellow Titanium guy. So Hirai asked me, why I seem like I'm not bothered. I said : Well, cause it's her problem if she wants to talk to me or not..... I just can't be bothered.
I mean, she ain't my only friend. Plus, its her choice.
#1 : I'm not the kind of person who kisses up to someone.
So much to do, so little time.
-Interact Assignments
-Titanium stuff
- School life
- Survive
- Medicine
Amagad. I'm gonna lose my mind.
M .
-drunken words are sober thoughts-