New Record!
20100629 @ Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I talked to Nick on the phone for 3 and 1/2 hours straight..........
Then he made me cry, laughing.
Yen Fern, made a new word.....
QuackQuack and MooMoo......
Something is definitely wrong with us!
Hahaaha, LoL.
I just started reading Manga a few days ago = Maid Sama.
Usui is so hot!
Hahahaha, Lawl.
Cynta, Alya and Yen Fern are addicted Bonyot. Hahaha....LoL. And Ham Sap, and Hen Tai, and QuackQuack and MooMoo and DotDotDotDotDotDotDot.
Hahahah......i laugh too much.
Dont you think?!
Then Nick, is addicted to Balony......
We are bongkers!
Call the police!! I just saw a crazy person in my mirror!!