Excuse me, sir.
20110114 @ Friday, January 14, 2011
See the watson's store. Amazing things happen at watson's for me. internationally.
Well this particular time....
I went to Watson's with my Mom.
My mom, left me to look for stuff there while she goes and gets money from the bank.
So yeah, this guy who works at Watson's said to me "Excuse me, sir? May I help you?"
I didn't perasan that he called me SIR first so I asked him where the deodorants are.
he said ; "Come right this way, sir"
So I followed him, then I took my deo and the guy said "Do you need anything else, Sir?"
I thought he was talking to someone else, but when I looked up, he was staring right at me.
Then I realized he was calling me Sir.
So I got the rest of the stuff, and he took the basket to counter for me, and Mum came. So I stood at the counter, and the lady said to me, I guess she didn't know the person behind me was my mum lar. "Is there anything else, Sir?"
Me : "Uhhhh......no."
Lady: "Do you have a watson's card ah, sir?"
Me: "Nope"
-turns around to look at Mum's expression-
Mum : -______-""""'
So we paid and on the way out, the lady and the man said "Please come again Sir."
They still tak layan my Mum. hahahaha.
Then my mum said, I really need to make you girlier.
Me: 0___________0 Dont even try.
One of my adventures at Watson's

Patience is virtue
Friday, January 14, 2011
Why do people get angry over tiny things?
Learn the art of patience, it gets you further in life.
Like today for instance, I'm not trying to state anything, I'm just using it as an example.
Form 2's took our table during rehat. I dont why, but some people got their knickers in a twist.
Whatever larrr.
So yeah, these form 2's took our table while I was at the koperasi. Anyway, when I got to the canteen, they had already chased them off. Poor form 2's. So yeah, and one of them left their plate behind. -.-
So well, if you all didnt know. We get demerited if our table is dirty. So yeah, everyone started arguing about the plate. ITS JUST A PLATE. A PLATEE. You know P-L-A-T-E.
Anyway, so one of the form 2's accidentally left her bottle oon the table, and came back to get it. I think her name was Shalini. Entah lar. So yeah. And one of us, kept asking her to take the plate, and she got her knickers in a twist and said ; It's my friends plate, why are you asking me to take it?"
I already had a lot of things on my mind, so I just couldnt take the noise and all the arguing involved. so I told the person who asked Shalini to take the plate, to forget it. Then I pulak kena marah, whatever larr. When people are angry at you, don't retaliate, makes things worse. and I'm speaking from experience. So after the person was done arguing with me. I just walked away. I mean. If they're going to argue over a plate, might as well let them do it. So I left. I wanted to take the plate with me and just put it in that basin thing but yeah forgot to. So yeah, I ended up rehating with Damia, Mas, Sara and all. Damia and me were walking and talking to see cik Foo. Damia was talking to Cik Foo. I was doing the thing I do best, leaning against a wall, silently. And this group of form 1's came up to me and asked me if I was Maria Monash. I said yeah. Then they started talking about me, in front of me.
One of them said that In SSP, she looked up to the gang and me, cause we ruled the school. literally. We made our presence known. I dont know how that happened cause all we did was have fun.
Then another one said I was an all star player, she meant in sports. -.-
I dont know where that came from.
The rest said cause we were cool and I rocked at dancing and all that. I was just standing there and nodding. Then Cik Foo said "Maria. Since when you're so famous with the form 1's?"
Me: "uhhhhhhhh.............uhhhhhhh........don't know lar teacher."
Then she laughed and walked away.
Then the day went on as its normal boring self. A lot of form 1's came and asked me if I was me/ looked at my name tag and all, then whispered amongst themselves and walked away. A few made me take a picture with them. Most of them were from SSP, then I guess they just told they're friends or something. I dont know. I dont care either.
At around 2, Cynta, Adline and me went to amcorp to lepak. wasnt really fun. kinda boring. cause well I was thinking. as usual. aish. But there were fun parts here and there. I bought another pick! :D

Just Shut Up Already
Friday, January 14, 2011
Do whatever you want,
be who you want to be, dream big. and all that jazz ?????
If what you want to be is an idiot who only thinks about PMR, well that's up to you. It's just so annoying, how everyone is so caught up with PMR. It.is.very.the.annoying.
I am a lil bit worried about PMR. but I want to laugh, dance and be jolly too. not just study, tuition, study study, mann, isnt that boring and annoying?
Talk about other things people. Aisho.
Everything is so boring lately. Is everyone getting more and more mature or is it just me?
Or maybe I'm still caught up with all the stuff running through my head that I dont notice the fun things in life?
There's so many things I want to say, but I'm just not the kind of person who shares.....
Truth is, sure I tell people secrets....but they're not really secrets, yet they're secrets. I tell them the secrets that I'm not that bothered about. The real secrets, I keep to myself.
Ever since I was a kid, I've built this wall around my heart, not to see if anyone cares to break it down. But just idk, to prevent myself from getting hurt.....again. Yes, I can't believe that I'm saying this on my blog, but yeah. I haven't emo-ed this year. It was my new year's resolution. I just get lost in thought, and don't feel like saying anything after. NOT EMO-ING.
PMD was so boring. Now back to studies and staying back. aishhh.
Well, you only have to put with this for one more year, Mia.
Mia ; . . . . .