20091113 @ Friday, November 13, 2009
Hard to leave,
And the hardest to forget.
I just dont get why people talk about other people behind their backs. It is just rude, annoying and it makes you feel sad when u find out. I found out today, that someone i was close to was talking to my other close friend behind my back. They were avoiding me, so i guess i could tell, but refused to believe it. I'm happy i found out though, because it opened my mind up, and made me think. I didnt bother what they were saying, because i knew that i could not confide in them anymore.....plus i dont give a damn about they say. It made me think, I have been doing the exact same thing to someone. I guess life is just like the saying ' what goes around comes around'.
School is kind of hard, cause you never know who's talking behind your back, and who isnt. Heck, even you're best friend could have been talking behind your back.....but most of those things happen cause of misunderstanding. Its sad really, that you never think of these kind of things until you're kicked in the ass by it.
So, the only things you can possibly do is, choose the right friends, pray, and just be yourself.
If they dont like you.
So now, im going to apologize to the someone i've been treating badly....or shouold i do it on Monday.
Anyways, there is AFC today...
And divya cant come cause she went for camp. She was very scared that leaches would bite her. LoL.
So i cant tell her...
But im sure AFC will be fun as it always is!!