For The First Time
20110210 @ Thursday, February 10, 2011
Since when I sangat the rajin to update me blog?
Hahahaha…..what ze heck?!
Anyway, today was okay larrr…..
It had its pro’s and cons. But doesn’t everyday.
Everyone says my blog is emo.
I don’t vant it to be emo…. D:
That aint me.
So yeah. Imma happy it up! :D
Happay Blog!
Oh. It was Maryam’s birthday!
Hmmmmmm………oh yes. I forgot. It’s Chan’s b’day too!!! ZOMG.
Bappy Hirthday, Chan…..Sau Mun!!! :D
So jyeah……
I went for Netball team try-outs….
It was tiring, but well that’s from a lazy bum.
I now realize that netball is nothing like Basketball.
I miss repping school for B-Ball…..
The Piranha’s!!! :D
Yesh, I still remember…..nyehnyehnyeh
So yeah, Cynta has gotten a job.
She draws for money. (Y)
It started today, cause Farah wanted her to draw something, and cynta was thristy so Farah
paid her to draw….. It’s a win-win sitch.
Hahahahaha……My hair is annoying me…..ish.
So yeah, I don’t know what to say now…..
Hmmm…..Very blurrr lar these days…….
Like blurrer than Yen Fern blur……
What ze heck?! Is probably what’s goin through yr mind. But yeah.
Today, This bus look alike came and parked next to my house. So cool. It’s one of busses/cars that you can live in, tahu. It was so cool!
The most epic vehicle I have ever been in. :D
It made my day. :D
I took pictures of outside… :D
I’ll upload em soon.
-scratch head-
Well…..Taht iz the end of our show, for today. :D
Mia ; happy-fying the blog