567 - 42 Days
20120104 @ Wednesday, January 04, 2012
If you asked me how I’m doing, I would say I’m doing just fine.I would lie & say that you’re not on my mind.But I go out & I sit at a table set for two.& finall I’m forced to face the truth, no matter what I say,I’m not over you.Nyeh. That song is stuck in my head.Today was the first day of school for the year. It was okay, Cynta sits next to me just like in 2010. We made friends with the new girl, her name's Natasya and wears Vans to school. I am speechless. She's like Miguel, where to them Vans is as cheap as Bata and Bata is probably like japanese slippers to them. He still owes me my pair of shoes :( She was a little awkward at first, but after a while she was okay. Quiet girl. She told Cynta and me that we were weird and both of us were like, you don't know yet.
Anyway, here are some peektures from New Year's. Going to miss these monkeys a lot. Can't wait for Girls Night with em' douches, and after that I've got a night with Titanium and then depending on the amount of days left, might get people to stay at my place for a night. People keep asking what I did on New Year's Eve, and I go "I went to church" then they give me that look. That oh you so holy look. Bitch please, let me spend my NYE the way I want to aight?. Ending a year in church is nice. I had the people I treasure with me, and I say that ending the year partying in church, was way more fun than going to a party, but then again I'm #justsaying. We didn't exactly party, but we sure as hell had fun. I'm going to miss my Malaysians.
Christmas :