Alone yet Not Alone
20100526 @ Wednesday, May 26, 2010
All of us feel,
As if No One understands,
If you guys haven't noticed, we all have a lot of friends, some stand by us through thin or thick,
Whereas the others just watch and backstab us.....
We ignore the friends, who are always there for us,
And hang out with the friends whom end up backstabbing us.
It's a mistake all of us make,
And never end up learning from it......
Until, the day we need those true friends.....
And realise how much we have hurt them.
My mid-year exams are next week!!!
And i actually started studying
I made Lavynia,Adline and Yen Fern
xoxo, love ya'll.....
I cant study during the day, cause when i open my book,
I feel like eating,
After eating, I feel lazy,
So i watch TV, and end up not studying.
So now, i study at night, or if i'm tired i study in front of the TV.
Somehow the information still stays in my brain.
I'm scared for my Math, Sejarah and Geography paper.....
Now, i have to study.....