'96. I love books, music and Justin Bieber. May the odds be ever in your favor. x

Radioactive Splurge
20110604 @ Saturday, June 04, 2011
Yes, a blog I created yesterday.

Has been getting a bit of an audience, though I'm thinking whether I should move it to Wordpress.
Wordpress, seems to taken a bit of my interest.
I'm not as sure yet, about this moving. But we'll see, ay?

Check it out, though :)

Saturday, June 04, 2011
I’m with my wife waiting at a traffic light, on the way to fetch my dad to KL Sentral. This road has an exit for a u-turn on the right, but it’s only accessible if there are no cars ahead stopped at the traffic light.

I happen to be halfway past the u-turn exit because the light is red and there are cars lined up in front. A middle-age fat-faced chinese guy in a grey, beat up Kancil appears behind me and starts honking, because apparently he can’t wait a minute for the lights to turn green and cars start moving to make his u-turn.
There’s no space in front for me to move to, but I inch up the back of the car in front as much I can, hoping he’d get the hint. He blasts his horn again and flails his hands. Having done what I could, I ignore him. The car in front hears the honks and moves forward half a foot, and me likewise, which finally clears enough space for the royal Kancil to make the turn.

End of story, right? Hurrrrr.

As he makes his u-turn, he stops at the apex and rages and gives me the finger. I calmly point to the cars in front and gesture WTF man, there’s no space, what do you want me to do, rear end the guy in front so you can make your u-turn 60 seconds sooner?

He responds like any reasonable person would – by yanking his handbrakes, jumping out of the car and running screaming at me (in what sounded like advanced cantonese) to step out of my car. I observe him patiently as he continues his verbal tirade, but not so patiently when he starts slamming his fists on my door.
I pull up the handbrakes, take off my seatbelt and am about to grant him his dying wish when I catch the eyes of a young girl in his car, no more than 5 or 6 years old, looking on in horror. I pause.

His daughter is in the car. My wife is with me, and my dad can’t afford to be late for his flight. I stay inside. But it takes all my will to do it. And just then, the lights turn green. Cars behind start honking and I decide to move on, but not before winding down the window and telling him to be less of an asshole when driving, if only for his daughter’s sake… motherfucker.


-Kurt Low
Saturday, June 04, 2011
Adorable kids singing along with singer-songwriter Jasemaine Gan
Saturday, June 04, 2011
Watch as over 50 kids from Harvest Center sing along with Jasemine. The song they are singing is titled "Share the Love", which debuts the Share The Love movement. Find out more about the movement here, and share this music video with your friends!

Give them some love, and click :)

Share The Love
Animals Matter
Saturday, June 04, 2011

One reason animals are so vulnerable to cruelty is because there is no universal agreement between nations that animals can suffer and feel pain. There is an urgent need for an international commitment to protect animals and their welfare. Such a commitment would inspire political leaders, organisations and individuals to treat animals better and will be the beginning of the end of animal cruelty across the world. It is our responsibility to ensure that animals are given the protection they deserve and that the indisputable link between animal welfare, the protection of people and the planet is recognised.

Protection is just a click away, all you need to do to save some animals is to click on the link below.

Lend A Hand :)
Facebook Profile Pictures Spoof
Saturday, June 04, 2011

*Rest on the shoulder pose

*I’m a fashion model pose

*Mirror Default picture

*The I’m-so-innocent-lookatma-lips-and-brows pose