20120314 @ Wednesday, March 14, 2012

from The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
This past week has been ...interesting. Interesting is probably not the right term for it, but my brain seizes to find the right word for me. Monday was a holiday - Home Study Day/Student Free Day. Yes, we get a holiday for being a student over here. Tuesday, hmmm well we got our permission slips for our Social with Trinity. The train service had stopped due to some fire or something, so half the school didn't show up till after 2nd period or later. Everyone claims it's the day that Perth stood still, which I really don't understand; the only thing that happened was that the train service stopped. We had Media that day, and it was one of our last classes to finish our assignment, Olivia wasn't there cause she was sick and she was team leader. The team leader of MJOC. Claire was late due to the train service thing. So it was only Jasmine and I at the begining of the lesson, which was pretty interesting if I might say so myself. She is a character ; fun person to be around. Well during the first half of Media, Jasmine and I recorded the voice overs for our Sand Advertisement, after doing so we started trying to crush an invincible lollipop. No joke, the lollipop really was invincible, we started with throwing it on the ground, stepping/stomping on it, standing on it, throwing it against the wall = didn't work. Then we tried putting it under the foot of a table and getting Jasmine to sit on it, then I joined her = didn't work. I came up with the genius plan of putting it against the door frame and using the door to smash it. I used the door leading into Mr.Belshore's room, as I was trying to smash this lollipop with the door, Mr Belshore enters his room and just stares at me. I stared at him and slowly closed the door, trying to blend into the room I was in. Jasmine and me started laughing like Hyenas, she said my reaction was just hilarious. Jasmine tried turning into Humongosaur ( Ben 10) with her Omnitrix and tried crushing it = failed. Then she tried staring it = also failed. She then decided that she would go outside and throw it down - our Media class is on the 3rd floor. Even that failed. Claire had to pick it up on her way up, and then it someone crushed it and gave it back to her. It was interesting. We then realized that the voice recorder we were carrying around was recording, we played it back on the computer and all of us laughed when we realized that I sound like some kind of dude. Today, we got our Math test marks back 40/50 was what I got, and I was just like - I'm sorry Miss Foley, I think you might have been mistaken, but she was insistent that it was my paper. I danced all the way home. Okay not really. MJOC is going to Olivia's house tomorrow to finish the filming for our Media assignment. I've got a Science, English and S&E test coming up. I really need to watch Edward Scissorhands, or I might just fail English. On Friday we go Bowling with the Trinity boys, Jasmine is trying to set me up with her friend Malcolm (God save me). Hope she forgets. Today Hannah, Chyan, Rita, Claire and I were talking and Hannah started talking about this dance group that Nick was familiar with and so I told her about Nick. Funny how when she asked me "What's he doing now? Still dancing?" I just go "Oh. He's dead" very flatly and then after a moment of silence, I start laughing. Hannah asked how, and I explained the portions that I was absolutely certain of. The rest, well lets just let it float in the sea of the unknown for a while.
My wrist has been hurting for the past few days, it's swollen at some portions. Mum says that she might have to take me to a doctor if it gets worse. She says that I might have arthritis because my bones have been giving me some pains recently. Especially my back bone - when I sneeze. Doesn't matter though, hopefully it gets better. It's affected my fingers, I think it's due to the stab mark on my right arm because I am pretty sure that when it pierced my skin it, it hit my bone.
Doesn't matter though.
I keep thinking today is Thursday and tomorrow's Friday. I shall now retire to my bed :)
Oh and guess what?! I got mail! :)
My wrist has been hurting for the past few days, it's swollen at some portions. Mum says that she might have to take me to a doctor if it gets worse. She says that I might have arthritis because my bones have been giving me some pains recently. Especially my back bone - when I sneeze. Doesn't matter though, hopefully it gets better. It's affected my fingers, I think it's due to the stab mark on my right arm because I am pretty sure that when it pierced my skin it, it hit my bone.
Doesn't matter though.
I keep thinking today is Thursday and tomorrow's Friday. I shall now retire to my bed :)
Oh and guess what?! I got mail! :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Get up. Go to the mirror. Look yourself in the eye. And tell yourself how beautiful you are. How confident you are. How filled with love you are. How possible everything is. How wonderful the world will be today. Because it is. And you are.