Royal Wedding
20110429 @ Friday, April 29, 2011

Sometimes you hit a point where you either change or self destruct.
Friday, April 29, 2011
You know those night when you stay awake waiting for the one person to text you or call back? Your heart starts being a little faster and you get so impatient. You stare at your phone constantly pressing random buttons so the lights stay on. When they finally do text you, they give you that one worded reply. No matter how boring they are to text, you always find something to talk about. Then all of a sudden you lie your head on your pillow and fall asleep. When you wake up, the only thing you see is just another one worded text. As much as you try with them, they will never return the love you give to them. You keep trying and trying, and all of a sudden you find yourself not even bothering any more. No matter how much you may try, not everyone will return the feelings you give them.This is when you move on. After going through an experience like this you think that there is no one out there for you. You go through day after day seeing everyone fall in love and wonder why it’s not you. Then one day someone comes and sweeps you off your feet. Someone who would really treasure you and try their hardest. Your heart beats faster when you hear his name, and your feet becomes weak at the first sight of them. It may seem like there is no one out there, but when you least expect it someone comes and makes you forget everything you’ve bee through.